Wednesday, November 26, 2008


The Management Project presentation time is coming. The written part is okay, PowerPoint slides are almost completed, overall experience of teamwork is... not going easy.

I had lots of team projects and presentations in the past, and I do not recall having any problems with them. But now things are more challenging and it surprises me.
This comes from that I was not experienced in team projects with multicultural team members.

Why don't we have a course on The Art of Team Work?
Seriously, why? Most of the job postings include strong team work skills as a requirement. It makes sense, hence nobody will work alone after MBA -even the smallest businesses include team work.

Group motivation vs. Individual motivation
Communication and Listening skills
Personality Analysis
Individuality vs. Group think
Gender effect on business
Respect (This is a subjective term)
Anger Management and Coping with the 'challenging' behaviours of others

The subjects above can be lethal for any business and can even change the world. The best technical knowledge is even useless if you cannot go in harmony with your team.

We don't have such a course in our program, and I admit I am having a tough time with my Management Project group nowadays. But I know I am lucky for learning valuable lessons about multicultural teams. I will remember these days gratefully in the future, I believe.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


We had the final Marketing exam yesterday.

It was easier than I had expected. I wished I had a few extra hours(!) to express all the ideas rushing to my mind when I saw the questions.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Ken and I talked with Prof. Kurucz about our project yesterday. I noticed a few points we are missing about the product's emotional effects. 

What an e-reader doesn't give you:
I like touching my book's shiny colorful cover.
I like the smell of paper.
Having the book means having the information in my hand and in my home.
It is a pleasure to turn the pages to see what is coming next.. and the next...and the next...
Turning the pages is a physical action. The book is physical itself, with its colors, weight and scent. The words are physical when printed on paper.

An e-book lacks all this physical and emotional experience I mention above. Digital information looks more abstract and easier to lose compared to what a hardcover book has. You can delete the digital information by clicking a few buttons -which is way easier than losing a book.

A product has to provide what people desire to experience; or it has to protect what people care for. Otherwise, you cannot sell it.

Then, what to do?
We have to emphasize some physical reasons to get an e-book. I suggest focusing on 'how an e-book would affect the individual's senses, emotions and social image'.
> Touchable screen:
You want to touch the pages? Okay, you can do it with an e-reader.
Sony e-reader's touch screen feels like paper and does not get stained from fingers. You can also mark pages and highlight text. (This is for the augmented segment)

> Tired of carrying heavy bags?
E-readers are so light that you can event put one in your pocket.

> The latest technology: Be a follower of the newest!

> This will save lots of trees: We cannot stop using papers but can reduce the waste.
Seriously, I think this product can be the most beneficial technology for forests in the near future.

> "You are one of those who care about the environment!"
Visualize yourself reading your e-reader on a public bus...

And admit it: 'Caring about the environment' is TRENDY, like plastic cancer-awareness bracelets, the Remembrance Day poppies, and logos and symbols printed on T-shirts, cars and coffee mugs showing the society that you are socially responsible.

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Time is flying, especially in the exam weeks, and I am stressed about the projects. Remembrance Day will be great help for this period. I should focus on 'goals' in these last weeks.

I want to read two books this week: Stumbling in Happiness and The Warrior (The image on the right side, above). The first is the one which Paul recommended last Saturday. I bought it yesterday and read a few pages.

The second one -the Warrior- is my bible. It will be my 4th time reading it. A thick book written by a psychologist, Dogan Cuceloglu, who lived and worked in different parts of the world -now he lives in Turkey. This book changes my life each time I read it. And this time I feel I need it again.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

WEEK #5 Continuing

About Barack Obama's election campaign video:
He's calm and modest. His "I'm already the president" manners affect people. There is a big American flag in his office in the video. Not many people would have such a flag in his office, but the president.
He doesn't believe: he does know that he is the president.

Acting in a "I've already succeeded" attitude matters a lot, so does the "You love our product. You want it." attitude.

"The Big Pilot's Watch"

The advertisement you see on the left was designed by Jung Von Matt for a watch brand, IWC.

IWC produces for only men. Prices are mostly between $3,000-$30,000. PILOT series prices start at $7,000. It might be too expensive for those who usually prefer public transportation, but could have a reasonable price for an airplane passenger riding on an airport shuttle.

The next picture is from Tokyo:

There are big mirrors behind the clothes. The woman can see herself as if she is wearing the skirt while just window shopping. If she enjoys the experience, she will go in and ask for her target skirt.

Lesson to get:
If a potential consumer can enjoy the experience of having a product before buying it, he/she will eventually pay for it.

Pictures from: