Saturday, October 25, 2008

WEEK #4 Continuing

Today is the end of my fourth week in Canada.

I am at the Vancouver Airport now, going for another weekend in Calgary. I'm not sure whether it will be a real weekend or a study camp: My books are heavier than my clothes.

We made a marketing survey among 60 MBA students for our project: 
"Would you prefer to have your university textbooks as electronic files instead of your usual textbooks made of paper?"

Most people said NO. They want to touch the paper and to take notes on pages.

Paul, Ken and I talked about this after class. The idea of decreasing students' bag weight and saving trees by using technology sounds unique. However, it is hard to change people's habits. Some people are more sensitive to hand-feels rather than sounds and images, since this is how they learn and remember at their best.

Ken and I need to find more emotional reasons for marketing our e-book. After seeing the survey results, it seems more difficult than I thought.

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